If your exploration of Freemasonry has brought you to our website, we bid you a warm and sincere welcome from the brethren of William R. Singleton Hope-Lebanon Lodge #7. Within these pages you will find much helpful information not just about the Craft of Freemasonry, but also of our Lodge in particular. It is well understood that Masonry is not for everyone, nor do we make direct appeals for anyone to join. But, if you are indeed interested in learning more of what we offer, and expect from those that would associate themselves with our ancient and noble ideals, please accept our invitation to open the door to a new world of discovery.
Freemasonry is a unique institution that has been a major part of community life in America for over two hundred and fifty (250) years. It is America’s largest and oldest fraternity, and one that continues to be an important part of many men’s lives and personal growth. Masons are an organization of men bound together with a philosophy of moral standards, mutual understanding and brotherhood in which all men are on a level and equal.
Members of William R. Singleton Hope-Lebanon Lodge #7 are made up of men from many different ethnicities, races, religions and backgrounds.
William R. Singleton Hope-Lebanon Lodge #7 holds its Stated Communications on the first Thursday of each month except July and August. We welcome anyone to our dinners who would like to learn more about the craft or is interested in Freemasonry.
If your exploration of Freemasonry has brought you to our website, we bid you a warm and sincere welcome from the brethren of William R. Singleton Hope-Lebanon Lodge #7. Within these pages you will find much helpful information not just about the Craft of Freemasonry, but also of our Lodge in particular. It is well understood that Masonry is not for everyone, nor do we make direct appeals for anyone to join. But, if you are indeed interested in learning more of what we offer, and expect from those that would associate themselves with our ancient and noble ideals, please accept our invitation to open the door to a new world of discovery.
Freemasonry is a unique institution that has been a major part of community life in America for over two hundred and fifty (250) years. It is America’s largest and oldest fraternity, and one that continues to be an important part of many men’s lives and personal growth. Masons are an organization of men bound together with a philosophy of moral standards, mutual understanding and brotherhood in which all men are on a level and equal.
Members of William R. Singleton Hope-Lebanon Lodge #7 are made up of men from many different ethnicities, races, religions and backgrounds.
William R. Singleton Hope-Lebanon Lodge #7 holds its Stated Communications on the first Thursday of each month except July and August. We welcome anyone to our dinners who would like to learn more about the craft or is interested in Freemasonry.