William R. Singleton-Hope-Lebanon Lodge #7
Making Good Men Better For More Than 200 Years in the Historic Tenleytown Neighborhood of Washington, D.C.
If your exploration of Freemasonry has brought you to our website, we bid you a warm welcome. Within these pages, you will find helpful information not just about the Craft of Freemasonry but also about our Lodge in particular. If you are interested in learning more about what we offer and expect from those who desire to associate themselves with our ancient fraternity, we encourage you to knock on our door.
Jesse A. Ouellette
Producing Leaders within Masonry and the Community-At-Large since 1811!Singleton Lodge's rich history of producing leaders and participating in historic events worldwide truly sets our lodge apart. Learn more about who we are by checking our historic lodge fact of the month!
Begin Your Masonic Journey Today
Masonry has a little something for everyone. It is a journey designed specifically by each brother himself. This customized experience is unique to masonry and one that is cherished by each member of the craft. Learn more about how you can craft your own Masonic Journey at Wm. R. Singleton-Hope-Lebanon Lodge # 7.
Masonic EducationMasonry's rich history and allegorical ritual attracts the esoteric as well as history buffs.
Relationship BuildingBrotherly love and community is at the heart of Masonry. Check out what Singleton Lodge planned for this upcoming yer!
LeadershipMasonry makes good men better. Through masonry, you may acquire the skills needed to be a better you in and outside of the lodge room.